

  • Oct. 2023 - Present
    PhD in Theoretical Neuroscience and Machine Learning
    Imperial College London
    • Funded by Imperial College London President's PhD Scholarship
  • Sept. 2020 - Dec. 2021
    MSc in Machine Learning
    University College London
    • Dean's List Laureate awarded to top 5% of graduating class
    • Awarded UCL Friends and Alumni Association Scholarship
  • Aug. 2016 - Dec. 2020
    BSc in Computer Science, in Neuroscience, minor in Music
    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    • Graduated with Honors in Neuroscience
    • Honors Carolina Laureate
    • Carolina Research Scholar


  • Jan. 2022 - Jan. 2023
    Research Assistant
    ETH Zürich Department of Computer Science
    • Lab of Dr. João Sacramento
    • Studied the use of hypernetworks for meta-learning
  • May 2021 - Dec. 2021
    Master's Student
    University College London Department of Computer Science
    • Lab of Dr. Jun Wang, co-supervised by Dr. Matthew Crosby and Dr. Pedro Mediano
    • Studied the partial information decomposition of multitask neural networks across varying task settings in supervised and reinforcement learning models
  • June 2019 - Aug. 2020
    Research Intern
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology Brain and Cognitive Sciences
    • Lab of Dr. Tomaso Poggio
    • Participated in the MIT Summer Research Program for two summers
    • Worked on adversarial reprogramming recurrent neural networks with the goal of repurposing them to operate in a novel task domain (from text classification to image classification)
  • Jan. 2019 - May 2019
    Teaching Assistant
    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Mathematics
    • Introduction to Research in Network Data Science (Math 190)
    • Gave lectures on deep learning
    • Organized and lead weekly in-class discussions on assigned readings
    • Assisted with in-class coding exercises
    • Held weekly office hours
  • May 2018 - May 2020
    Research Assistant
    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Mathematics
    • Lab of Dr. Peter Mucha
    • Conducted statistical research analyzing changes in neural morphology of infant fMRI data
  • Jan. 2017 - May 2020
    Research Assistant
    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
    • Lab of Dr. Sylvia Fitting
    • Conducted behavioral research in animal models, studying HIV-1 Tat's effects on operant conditioning tasks and how endocannabinoids can be used to protect against assessed behavioral deficits

Training and Workshops

  • June 2024
    2024 ICTP Junior Scientists Workshop in Theoretical Neuroscience
    Trieste, Italy
  • Aug. 2023
    2023 Analytical Connectionism Course at Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit
    London, United Kingdom
  • Aug. 2022
    Association for Mathematical Consciousness Science's Modelling Consciousness Workshop
    Dorfgastein, Austria
  • July 2022
    Sinergia Meeting 2022
    Bern, Switzerland
  • June 2021
    UCL & PSL Summer School on Consciousness and Metacognition
    London, United Kingdom
  • Aug. 2020
    MIT Brains, Minds, and Machines Summer Course
    Cambridge, United States