news archive

Aug 2024 I’ll be presenting a poster on learning dynamics in linear RNNs at CCN in Boston.
Jun 2024 I’m giving a talk on context abstractions in linear networks at the ICTP Workshop in Trieste, Italy
May 2024 Our paper on PID in multitask ANNs was accepted to PLoS Computational Biology.
Jan 2024 I’ll be presenting our work on inferring context in gated linear networks at COSYNE.
Jan 2024 Our paper on discovering modular solutions that generalize compositionally was accepted to ICLR.
Aug 2023 I’ll be attending the 2023 Analytical Connectionism course at the Gatsby Unit.
May 2023 Our paper was accepted to CCN 2023.
Jan 2023 Awarded the Imperial College London President’s PhD Scholarship.
Aug 2022 I gave a talk at the AMCS Modelling Consciousness Cabin Workshop in Dorfgastein, Austria.
Jul 2022 I presented a poster on PID in multitask ANNs at ASSC25 in Amsterdam.
Jul 2022 I gave a talk on meta-learning with hypernetworks at the Sinergia Meeting in Bern, Switzerland.
Jun 2022 Qualiaheads organized a Q&A with Pedro Mediano, discussing his recent work on weak IIT.
May 2022 Qualiaheads organized a Q&A with Anil Seth, after reading his new book Being You.